Animation to teach kids about the concept of death A group of Animation students from De La Salle-College of St. Benilde is working on a children’s film...
‘Tella’ is a little girl’s magical journey during a good night’s sleep Tella, a short Filipino animated film on a mysterious girl and a misplaced star, has...
About 10-year-old Annika and women empowerment IAMANNIKA, a Filipino animated short film that promotes gender equality and women empowerment, tackles the long-persisting social discrimination against women through...
Short film lauded in Toronto and Reale A young Filipino animator’s short film Tella has won awards in two competitions, the Toronto Indie Shorts Festival and the...
Benilde artist brings the masterpiece to your gadgets—and an idyllic escape “They animated an Amorsolo? Wow!”—this was the reaction of Simone Gavan, a grade 12 senior high school...