‘Tella’ is a little girl’s magical journey during a good night’s sleep Tella, a short Filipino animated film on a mysterious girl and a misplaced star, has...
Most innovative program prepares them for college and future career Benilde Deaf School (BDS), the pioneering bilingual-bicultural program for Deaf high school students in the Philippines, conducted...
Technology showcase—from 3D to fabric sculpting Forty-four promising designers are set to bring fashion innovation to a wider scale when they debut in Sinulid 2022, a digital runway show...
Animator Mark Cañega does the Juan Luna masterpiece—to Conching Rosal ‘kundiman’ It has been a year since animator and De La Salle-College of St. Benilde multi-media arts...
Aspiring architect envisions The Cube as inclusive space where people interact Divisoria, which we now fondly call Divi, holds different meanings for each one: a shopper’s paradise...
About 10-year-old Annika and women empowerment IAMANNIKA, a Filipino animated short film that promotes gender equality and women empowerment, tackles the long-persisting social discrimination against women through...
Also catch the official resident chorale group of the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde on Tiktok, YouTube, and Spotify Coro San Benildo, the official resident chorale...
Multi-awarded choreographer, director and mentor Denisa Reyes will reveal the artistic process behind her iconic 1985 work Te Deum, the social commentary that served as the prayer...
Short film lauded in Toronto and Reale A young Filipino animator’s short film Tella has won awards in two competitions, the Toronto Indie Shorts Festival and the...
How one artwork inspired so many, including student artists “I’m gonna be real with you guys. Napakahirap ng laban na ito,” this is what graphic artist Kevin...