What will you miss about Father Jett?

Father Jett is stepping down as president of Ateneo de Manila University

As schools and universities resort to conducting online classes, the upcoming school year definitely will be a different and challenging one. 
However, for Ateneans, the next school year will be met with even more sadness as their president, Fr. Jose Ramon T. Villarin, SJ., better known as “Fr. Jett,” is leaving after a nine-year tenure.
Over the years, Fr. Jett has made a mark on the Ateneo community for his charismatic influence, dedicated leadership, and friendly demeanor. 
His presence was strongly felt by Ateneans so that it even became a running joke that you wouldn’t have gotten the full Ateneo experience if you had never taken a picture or a selfie with Fr. Jett himself.

Fr. Jett Villarin, SJ Photo by

Indeed, the Ateneo community will miss seeing Fr. Jett roaming the campus.

However, we must continue wishing him the best of luck in his future endeavors, thank him for all the support and compassion he has shown not only  Ateneans, but also the Filipino people. He has led the Ateneo community in joining the country’s struggle for democracy and justice.

Ateneans, feel free to share your fondest moments with Fr. Jett.

Alen Gonzales

3 comments on “What will you miss about Father Jett?

  1. Fr. Jett was trailblazer for sustainability both in and out of Ateneo. A recipient of the Nobel and a key figure behind all of Ateneo’s sustainability efforts thus far.

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