I think of the little girls and boys watching TV in the future…. I want to be the person I would admire as a kid Sixteen-year old...
Let your eyes speak. Do your selfie up close We’re giving away 10 Uniqlo Airism facemasks and the contest is open to all Junior high school, Senior high school,...
Industry experts tapped for programs Certificate courses on Photography and Online Learning will be administered in SPaCE 2.0, a program which allows working professionals to gain significant...
What is my true self? Can’t I be more confident of who I am now? Let me trust myself Korea marked its first Youth Day last September...
Japan’s most hyped face mask is now here YOU didn’t waste time in checking out the Uniqlo Airism face mask first thing this Friday, September 18, three...
About Sid, his sister Ysa, and mental health It all started as a video project for our Fundamentals in Film and Video Production (MFVID) class in De...
It’s not as easy as slapping some baybayin on a shirt and calling it a day What started as a discussion between high school friends about creating their own...
The pandemic has changed the way education is taught this academic year—that includes student life too. We ask several student organizations what their insights are and how...
I never painted in my life before COVID Manila-born HAIKI, 24, has been producing and creating music for a few years now in Los Angeles as part...
Progressively losing his eyesight, he didn’t stop from using technology to create Sohankumar Motwani was born premature and blind on his right eye.He soon attended school just...