JINS, the leading Japanese eyewear brand known for providing functional, innovative, and lightweight eyewear, culminated its fifth year of venturing into the Philippine eyewear market with a...
Inspired by the famous Manga series Tokyo Ghoul, local streetwear brand HUMAN released a new collaboration collection featuring eerily cool apparel evocative of the dark, twisted tropes...
Luxury Maison collaborates with the beloved anime series Naruto on a cross-category collection marking the global cultural phenomenon’s 20th anniversary Since it first appeared 20 years ago,...
These school sweethearts do their favorite characters For real-life school sweethearts, Fox Gaite and Ahmalia Buccat, cosplaying is what they love to do together as a couple....
Calling all Filipino Mangaka / Manga artists! Here is your chance to show your amazing artistry to the world. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, through the Embassy of Japan in...
Globe ties up with the international streaming service for Asian entertainment and more You can watch the 69th Miss Universe pageant live on May 17, 8 a.m. (Philippine...