So you want to be an aspiring model during the pandemic

  • By admin
  • December 17, 2020
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I’ve realized that if you don’t learn how to take risks, you will never get what you want.

Max Borgers

Max Borgers, 16, International School Manila

Borgers is a devoted athlete before going into modelling—“I play football and rugby as well as track and field, now that I started modelling, I have to balance my sporting life alongside modelling.” 

His day usually starts at 8 am for online school, until the afternoon, then he goes to his friend’s place to weight-train, run and play football. “I get to train in my friend’s house because he has an indoor gym as well as a large backyard so we are still able to keep fit.” 

After exercising he goes back home to study for a few hours.

His first modelling stint was during Bench Fashion Week in 2019 as a freelancer. “There I met friends who introduced me to PMAP (Professional Models Association of the Philippines) and eventually I joined New Monarq modelling agency. During the pandemic it’s obviously been hard to model but I have managed to here and there. Although there is always that concern of ‘safety’ but I take only jobs where I know I would be safe.”

Borgers added that this pandemic definitely made him more mature and develop a finer appreciation for the small things. “I hope that soon everything will resume back to normal.”

Christopher Card

Christopher Card, 18, Washington State University

Before trying out modelling, Card was like any student. “I was doing a lot of school work and nothing else.” 

Like a typical teenager, Card is into sports, specifically Muay Thai, and of course, video games. This political science major admits that it’s a bit challenging attending online classes when your school is in the other side of the world. “I go to classes around midnight to 3 am (Manila time),” he said, “That’s why I don’t get to sleep much.”

He got into modeling because it became an avenue where he was able express himself, which he wasn’t able to do until now. Having modeling gigs during the pandemic was a welcome respite because, he added, he got to see people again. “I’ve realized during the pandemic that I’m not held back to do the things that I’ve always wanted to do.”

Joshua Lawrence

Joshua Lawrence, 19, De La Salle University

“I’ve always wanted to try modeling I just didn’t know how to start,” Lawrence said, who is taking up International Studies at De La Salle University. This college freshman was busy with school work and sports and occasional TV commercials, but he wanted to try something else. Then a friend brought him along to an audition. “Modeling’s been fun. It’s given me some good memories and I enjoy every bit of it,” Lawrence said. 

He took a break during the pandemic because he wanted to take care of his health. “I tried to make it as fun as possible but that was hard to do. I missed the life before the pandemic it made me realize that you have to appreciate everything.”

Oliver Corbitt

Oliver Corbitt, 21

 This Fil-Aussie was supposed to fly back to Manila April earlier this year to finally pursue modeling but he got to fly back only in November because of the pandemic restrictions. Back in Australia he played football and worked as a removalist.

So far he’s having fun in his newfound profession, “I’m learning new things, and most importantly it’s taking me out of my comfort zone.” 

Though he spent most his time in Australia during the lockdown he realized that this made him want to work on himself, like working out since he got more free time than usual. But he too realized not to take everyday life for granted. “Go out and explore as much as possible if you are able to, since right now we aren’t free to do whatever we want when we want, like we used to.”

Trixie Anne Flores

Trixie Anne Flores, 19, De La Salle-College of St. Benilde

Flores recalls how she was forced to do modeling as a child. “I didn’t really like it since I was a very shy person. But every time I see people who confidently expressed themselves, I would envy them and think how badly I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and shine just like them.”

The more she did modeling work, the more she started to enjoy it. “At some point I knew this is what I wanted to do.” 

Flores is an incoming second year student, in Fashion Design and Merchandising, at CSB. “I design and sew clothes since I’m planning to open a boutique one day and make my name big.” 

She also paints and do crafts when she’s bored.

During the pandemic, ironically, Flores got a lot of modeling gigs, “It’s been so overwhelming, and I would accept them happily even if it’s risky to go out.” Flores admits it has been a rough year but she is very thankful for the blessings she’s been receiving.

Flores has been reflecting a lot during this pandemic, on what she really wants in life. “I’ve realized that if you don’t learn how to take risks, you will never get what you want.” 

Flores believes that opportunities don’t always come your way, but if they do, don’t turn your back only because of your insecurities and fear. “I don’t like regretting something I didn’t even try, and think where I could have been now if only I would have done it.”

Photography Jerick Sanchez

Styling Luis Carlo San Juan

Fashion Forever 21

Special thanks to Anton Patdu of New Monarq Manila

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