Baileys Acot on quarantine, faith, and his hopes for post-pandemic world

Just like how a bow and arrow works, we are being pulled back so we could soar afterwards”

You may have seen him do a backflip on TV (see: UAAP Cheerdance Competition 2019). Those were the times we could still cheer with the crowd and watch sports events live. Then quarantine happened. 

Just like the rest of us, Baileys Acot has been stuck at home. As a student athlete and UAAP courtside reporter, he used to go to events and socialize with different groups of people. Since then, he has been finding ways to cope with the effects of self-isolation from this coronavirus pandemic. 

In this chat, Baileys shares his routine and realizations while in quarantine.

Hi, Baileys! How are you? We’re facing a difficult time. Being stuck at home can be lonely sometimes. Can you give us a glimpse of the routine or activities that keep you grounded while in quarantine?

There’s no doubt that the pandemic brought negative effects around the world. But looking on the brighter side, this experience serves a lesson for all us. A huge setback for a major comeback—that’s how I see it. Just like how a bow and arrow works, we are being pulled back so we could soar afterwards.

That’s what I believe is the reason for all these difficult moments. God has a plan for us. We are not alone. We are all in this together.

In my case, I can’t say that I’m lonely because my family and I are spending a lot of quality time together. We spent the first three months in quarantine donating to frontliners and people gravely affected by the pandemic. It keeps us humble and makes us realize that we’re on the same boat. We are all going through a very tough time. 

Every day, we pray the rosary and watch movies together. It has been a fruitful quarantine for my family despite all the negative things happening around us.

Baileys Acot
Oversized sweater, skinny chinos, Uniqlo

What realizations about life come to you at this time?

There are things in life we really have no control of. It’s a great reminder that we are mere stewards of God’s creations. In that sense, we should value everything—our life experiences, material possessions, and relationships. No matter how big or small, we should always cherish them because we will never know the time God will take them away from us. At the end of the day, we don’t own anything from this world. 

Live in the moment. Take risks. Take a leap of faith. Enjoy every single moment of life. Just like what they say, live in the now.

Is there a movie, song, or artwork that lightens up your mood lately?

I have to admit I’ve watched every series and movie on Netflix so it’s really hard to choose one. But now I’m watching the 16th season of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s the longest series I’ve watched compared to Friends and How I Met Your Mother. For the music, I listen to a lot of rap and hip hop. I also appreciate Broadway musical songs and old songs from the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. The classics. I’m very much hooked on J. Cole’s two latest songs: Lion King on Ice and The Climb Back. Sometimes, I listen to the The Last Five Years album. It’s kind of weird. But that’s just me. 

What changes are you expecting in life after quarantine—especially in sports?

It’s hard to expect especially when you have no full knowledge of things. It’s a tough time for all of us. I think adjustments will be made for each sport, league, and tournament. Everything will be more organized. If there’s something we learned from this pandemic, we can’t simply neglect the health of athletes, fans, and the entire sports community. We have capable sports leaders around the country that’s why I can’t wait for the sports community to bounce back.

Baileys Acot
Line Friends tee, sports jacket, Uniqlo

Photography Jerick Sanchez

Styling Luis Carlo San Juan 

Grooming Theresa Padin

Fashion by Uniqlo 

Winona Rica Sigue

is a writer and self-confessed bookaholic. She strives to open conversations about mental health and how creative journaling helps her fight a long-standing battle against anxiety. Not many people know this: she’s a rogue ninja from Konoha.

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