The deadline for submissions to UP Cinema’s seventh installment of their official film magazine Kino Punch KP7ARAN, with the theme “Divination and Future Reading,” has been extended to April 26, 2023.
With this, the film organization continues its search for film reviews, essays, poetry, artworks, photographs, and photo essays (English and Filipino works are accepted) revolving around the foreseeable future of cinema, with respect to the issue’s theme.
The call for contributions remains open to all Filipino film enthusiasts, literarywriters, and artists who seek to share their original or collaborative works.
Submission guidelines may be found through this link:
An in-person issue launch is expected to happen in July 2023. This edition of Kino Punch will be available both digitally and in print this year (2023) through the guidance of its Editorial Board, consisting of Mae Malaya (editor-in-chief), Abigael Manalili (managing editor), Rian Piamonte (managing editor), Ivan Gentolizo (associate editor), FJ Calvario (copy editor), Althea Ann Laylo (creative director), Mikayla Manganti (creative director), Ymarc Manzano (marketing and publicity editor), Allen Prodigalidad (marketing and publicity editor), and Max Guanzon (layout editor).
For more information on the publication, visit the official Kino Punch social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.